It was about 10 am when mom instructed 18year old Jemima, to go on an errand at her uncles’ house. Jemima was filled with excitement since she thought, the errand would afford her the opportunity to see her funny uncle again. And so, she sprinted her way to his place, with her face glowing and bubbling, filled with joy and smiles.

After the usual warm reception, they got talking and she seemed sold to the moment. He asked her many questions; from education to relationships and even politics, so much that she almost forgot why she was there. 

She barely noticed when he began making advances. Like a wildfire, he held her so tight. Was he possessed, she thought. She desperately demanded he let her free, but he tightened his grip. So she shouted “someone, please help”. “I've got feelings for you", he responded. “I’ve always wished we were never related by blood, so I could date you. I love you”.

She sobbed so hard, her ribs were aching. Calmly, she declared, "I'm your niece, please let me go”. He released her softly. She sighed and made for the door.

Before she could lay hands on the door, she felt heavy hands that took her off her feet and flung her on the ground. Alas, he had carnal knowledge of her.
Jemima couldn't wrap her mind around the scenario that unfolded. Did it really happen to her? Faraway ugly rape tales had become her reality.
Like a predator does to his prey, her uncle consumed her. He lowered her into her coffin till she went numb in deep pains that engulfed her whole being, took her to oblivion and left her in a limbo. Down her cheek, tears flowed like a bubbling spring.

“You're matured”, he said. "You should have known I had feelings for you".  
Within seconds, acrimony grew within her. Jemima wished she could kill him or worst still kill herself. She felt dirty and disabled. She blamed her beauty, her mother, her ignorance, she blamed everything.

Beside her sat a beast breathing heavily with no remorse. "let this be our little secret, tell no one", he had said.

By Freda Longs.
# Ritradio

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